Teaching individuals to swim confidently & safely;
Providing School Holiday Activities;
Gym/Fitness Membership
For regular updates and more information on our activities join our Facebook Page


At H20 we take the safeguarding and welfare of all our members and team very seriously.
Safeguarding and protection of children and young people is everyone's responsibility and therefore it is also vital that you know who to contact should you have any concerns. If you have any concerns regarding your own child or for another, please contact h20safeguarding@outlook.com in the first instance. I will listen and take the appropriate action as necessary.
For ensuring that you have access to help and advice, there are some helpful numbers below should you need them:

If you feel a child or young adult is in immediate danger, call 999 and report the incident

Swimline - the Swim England/NSPCC Child Protection Helpline
0800 100 4001

NSPCC Helpline
0808 800 5000

0800 1111